W.T.O. ! Stands for: Working Times Optimization!

Dear clients and associates,

It’s a pleasure to adress to you. Last year and specially this one have been full of hard work and amazing results. Together we’ve been mixing business and creativity to bring bold, new ideas to the market.

A part of those great results is that the amount of work actually multiplies and keeps coming! And as every growing business, milestones and checkpoints should exist and some adjustments should be made to make sure that everything will be even better for the upcoming projects.

Up until now we’ve been working on a weekly and/or short term goals basis. Some of us live in different time zones, have different working days and schedules. To better serve all of my responsibilities within the projects and companies I work with (and I’m a part of) I’m now implementing a very simple general working schedule and reachable times.


Working days are from monday to friday. This will allow us to work in a more synchronized, organized fashion. And most importantly: a hardworking professional and entrepreneur has a personal life and other responsabilities as well! Also a required recharging time to keep bringing amazing content and juicing that creativity, analytic and business-driven mind up to a healthy point!


Working, meeting and contact-reachable times each day are from 10:30 to 13:00 and 15:30 to 22:00. This 9 hour schedule should prove more than enough to work, deliver and even have meetings across different time zones.

Friday’s working time ends at 18:00.

If a trully urgent emergency araises (like a server reaching it’s limit because of the exploding success of one of our apps) during non-reachable days/time, I’ll answer. Let me repeat that: a trully urgent emergency (like going to an interview on a limo ride).

Thats all!

For some careers like programing, design, art, managing and multitasking many roles, working a couple of hours feels like 5. This daily weekdays 9 hour span is the time available for everything work-related to happen, not a stay-at-the-computer-for-540-minutes-a-day commitment. Eyes get sore, the spinal column aches and when you’re tired you forget things and start making mistakes. Meetings and even pitching ideas at corporate parties are exhausting as well! So let’s use this time frame wisely, together!

“Limits boost creativity”. Somebody said it, we’ve all proven it. An organized schedule with limits and reasonably defined deadlines gives us the frame for the best work to be made.

It is a fact that a happy professional is a better, more efficient professional! Working from dawn till dusk will only get you that far. A calmed professional working 4 hours may be able to output the results for a week of work!

But remember! Always as the deadlines and amount of work are reasonable. There will be a day when machines will be able to design and have analytic thinking! But up until that gloomy day for designers, creatives and such, we’re a person! The best work is done with calmed, thoughtfull, well paced, passionate work.

When time is upon us and the tasks seem unsurmountable, pressuring or repeating the deadline out loud over and over again wont push the throtle on the creative process! We are clever. We can find solutions to these short time projects. We can get another designer, we can optimize, we can work smart.

Thanks a lot for reading this far! Now we’re like a F1 car which just left the pit: better than ever to keep racing and get the first place home!

Best regards,

Adolfo “Adox” J. Roig Oviedo




Adox J. Roig Oviedo
Adox J. Roig Oviedo
An intense creative who cannot stop doing what he loves.

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