10 Things (or more) I Hate about the Videogames Industry

– not meant to rhyme –

I hate it when a game enchants me and I can’t think of anything else.

I hate that there are so many titles, so little time and money that I feel left behind.  But also when there seems to be nothing to play.

I hate how I feel frustrated when I suck at a game.

I hate it when you violently push me out of this world while I’m listening to your soundtracks.

I hate the toxic “gamers”, the fanboys, offensive people and the stereotypes. And the marketing teams who (mostly) nurture them and represent the ultimate evil within you.

I hate your exclusives, region blocks, on disc DLC’s, free-to-play-pay-to-win model and “Season Pass” (whatever does that mean).

I hate that you made me change my career in my mid 20’s so I could dedicate my  life to making you.

I hate the people with suits and ties and their poisonous obsession with money, when I just want to make beautiful art, some wicked game mechanic, an experience for everyone to live.

I hate it how you make me doubt myself, my creative skills and destroy my self esteem when I get a rejection from videogame studios or publishers for my indie projects.

I hate how work gets so hard, the hours at the studio so long, sometimes feeling pointless. And that even with all that anger I can feel, I HATE how I just go back to you.

But I hate it that I can’t stop. Because I know this is my profession, this is who I am. And that the heroes in your games would never ever give up.

Oh and I specially hate that either playing you or creating you, you just make me stay awake until the sun is rising.


Adox J. Roig Oviedo
Adox J. Roig Oviedo
An intense creative who cannot stop doing what he loves.

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